50 new words their meanings and synonymes

Here are 50 new words with their meanings and synonyms:

  1. Perspicacious (adjective): Having a keen understanding and insight; able to notice and understand things that are not immediately apparent. Synonyms: perceptive, discerning, astute

  2. Ennui (noun): A feeling of listlessness and boredom; a lack of interest or excitement. Synonyms: apathy, indifference, languor

  3. Fastidious (adjective): Meticulous and demanding in one's standards; having a strong attention to detail. Synonyms: finicky, meticulous, exacting

  4. Garrulous (adjective): Talkative and loquacious; fond of talking excessively. Synonyms: chatty, loquacious, verbose

  5. Heterogeneous (adjective): Composed of different kinds of things; diverse in nature or composition. Synonyms: diverse, varied, mixed

  6. Inscrutable (adjective): Difficult to understand or interpret; mysterious. Synonyms: enigmatic, cryptic, obscure

  7. Jocular (adjective): Good-naturedly humorous or playful; joking or teasing. Synonyms: playful, joking, lighthearted

  8. Kaleidoscopic (adjective): Constantly changing and multicolored; resembling a kaleidoscope. Synonyms: colorful, varied, dynamic

  9. Lassitude (noun): A feeling of weariness or lack of energy; a state of being tired or exhausted. Synonyms: fatigue, exhaustion, languor

  10. Mellifluous (adjective): Having a smooth and rich sound; sweet and harmonious. Synonyms: melodious, harmonious, euphonic

  11. Nebulous (adjective): Unclear or vague in meaning or form; lacking definition or clarity. Synonyms: vague, indistinct, ambiguous

  12. Obfuscate (verb): To make something unclear or difficult to understand; to confuse or obscure. Synonyms: confuse, obscure, perplex

  13. Pellucid (adjective): Clear and transparent; easy to understand or see through. Synonyms: transparent, clear, lucid

  14. Quixotic (adjective): Extravagantly chivalrous or romantic; impractically idealistic. Synonyms: romantic, idealistic, fanciful

  15. Reclusive (adjective): Preferring to be alone or avoiding social contact; solitary or isolated. Synonyms: solitary, isolated, hermitic

  16. Sagacious (adjective): Having keen discernment and good judgment; wise and perceptive. Synonyms: wise, perceptive, discerning

  17. Tintinnabulation (noun): A ringing or tinkling sound, especially of a bell. Synonyms: ringing, tinkling, sonorous

  18. Ubiquitous (adjective): Present or found everywhere; widespread or common. Synonyms: widespread, common, omnipresent

  19. Venerable (adjective): Showing respect and reverence; worthy of respect or admiration. Synonyms: respected, revered, esteemed

  20. Wistful (adjective): Feeling a sense of melancholy or longing; having a sense of yearning or nostalgia. Synonyms: melancholy, nostalgic, sentimental

  21. Xenial (adjective): Friendly and hospitable to guests or strangers; welcoming and generous. Synonyms: hospitable, welcoming, generous

  22. Yonder (adverb): At a distance; far away. Synonyms: afar, distant, remote

  23. Zephyr (noun): A gentle, mild breeze; a light and gentle wind. Synonyms: breeze, wind, gust

  24. Abstruse (adjective): Difficult to understand; obscure or complex. Synonyms: obscure, complex, esoteric

  25. Callipygian (adjective): Having well-shaped buttocks; having a pleasing or attractive figure. Synonyms: shapely, curvy, voluptuous

  26. Cacophony (noun): A harsh, discordant sound; a mixture of loud, unpleasant noises. Synonyms: discord, din, clamor

  27. Dulcet (adjective): Sweet and soothing; having a pleasant, gentle sound. Synonyms: sweet, soothing, gentle

  28. Ephemeral (adjective): Lasting for a very short time; transitory or fleeting. Synonyms: transitory, fleeting, brief

  29. Finesse (noun): Delicacy and subtlety of performance or skill; a subtle and refined quality. Synonyms: subtlety, refinement, delicacy

  30. Gigil (noun): A Filipino term for a feeling of excitement or enthusiasm. Synonyms: excitement, enthusiasm, eagerness

  31. Hirsute (adjective): Having a lot of hair; hairy or shaggy. Synonyms: hairy, shaggy, furry

  32. Insouciant (adjective): Carefree and nonchalant; having a carefree or unconcerned attitude. Synonyms: carefree, nonchalant, laid-back

  33. Jubilant (adjective): Feeling or expressing great joy or triumph; celebratory or festive. Synonyms: joyful, triumphant, celebratory

  34. Kintsugi (noun): A Japanese term for the art of repairing broken pottery with gold or silver lacquer, highlighting the brokenness rather than disguising it. Synonyms: repair, restoration, mending

  35. Luminescent (adjective): Giving off light, especially in the form of rays or a glow. Synonyms: glowing, radiant, shining

  36. Malleable (adjective): Capable of being shaped or molded; flexible or adaptable. Synonyms: flexible, adaptable, pliable

  37. Nefarious (adjective): Wicked or evil; having a bad or evil reputation. Synonyms: wicked, evil, malevolent

  38. Obstinate (adjective): Refusing to change one's opinion or course of action; stubborn or unyielding. Synonyms: stubborn, unyielding, intractable

  39. Parched (adjective): Extremely thirsty or dry; lacking moisture or freshness. Synonyms: thirsty, dry, arid

  40. Quandary (noun): A state of uncertainty or indecision; a dilemma or predicament. Synonyms: dilemma, predicament, conundrum

  41. Reclusive (adjective): Preferring to be alone or avoiding social contact; solitary or isolated. Synonyms: solitary, isolated, hermitic

  42. Sagacious (adjective): Having keen discernment and good judgment; wise and perceptive. Synonyms: wise, perceptive, discerning

  43. Torsion (noun): A twisting or turning motion; a force that causes twisting or turning. Synonyms: twist, turn, rotation

  44. Ubiquitous (adjective): Present or found everywhere; widespread or common. Synonyms: widespread, common, omnipresent

  45. Vigilant (adjective): Watchful and attentive; careful and alert. Synonyms: watchful, attentive, alert

  46. Wistful (adjective): Feeling a sense of melancholy or longing; having a sense of yearning or nostalgia. Synonyms: melancholy, nostalgic, sentimental

  47. Xanthosis (noun): A yellowish discoloration of the skin, often caused by liver disease. Synonyms: jaundice, yellowing, discoloration

  48. Yonder (adverb): At a distance; far away. Synonyms: afar, distant, remote

  49. Zymurgy (noun): The study of fermentation in brewing; the art of brewing beer. Synonyms: brewing, fermentation, distillation

  50. Axiomatic (adjective): Self-evidently true; requiring no proof or evidence. Synonyms: self-evident, obvious, axiomatic