50 new english words with meaning and sentences

Here are 50 new English words with their meanings and example sentences:

  1. Gallimaufry (n.) - a dish made from a mixture of leftover food Example sentence: "The chef created a gallimaufry using last night's roast chicken and vegetables."
  2. Thixotropy (n.) - the property of a fluid that becomes less viscous when agitated and more viscous when left still Example sentence: "The scientist studied the thixotropy of the new paint to understand its behavior."
  3. Velleity (n.) - a mild or slight desire Example sentence: "I have a velleity for ice cream, but I'm trying to resist the temptation."
  4. Sonder (n.) - the realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own Example sentence: "As I walked through the crowded street, I felt a sense of sonder wash over me."
  5. Gobemouche (n.) - a person who is easily deceived or manipulated Example sentence: "My friend is such a gobemouche, he always falls for scams."
  6. Cacophony (n.) - a harsh, discordant sound Example sentence: "The cacophony of car horns and sirens was overwhelming in the city."
  7. Finesse (n.) - delicacy and subtlety of performance or skill Example sentence: "The chef's finesse with the knife was impressive as he chopped the vegetables."
  8. Garrulous (adj.) - talkative or loquacious Example sentence: "My aunt is so garrulous, she never stops talking."
  9. Heterogeneous (adj.) - composed of different kinds of things Example sentence: "The city's population is heterogeneous, with people from all over the world living there."
  10. Inscrutable (adj.) - difficult to understand or interpret Example sentence: "The ancient hieroglyphics were inscrutable to me, but the expert was able to decipher them."
  11. Jocular (adj.) - good-naturedly joking or teasing Example sentence: "My friend's jocular remarks always made me laugh."
  12. Kibosh (n.) - to put an end to something Example sentence: "The manager put the kibosh on the project due to lack of funding."
  13. Lassitude (n.) - a feeling of weariness or lack of energy Example sentence: "After a long day, I felt a sense of lassitude wash over me."
  14. Mellifluous (adj.) - having a smooth and sweet sound Example sentence: "The singer's mellifluous voice was a pleasure to listen to."
  15. Nebulous (adj.) - unclear or vague in meaning or form Example sentence: "The company's business plan was nebulous, leaving many questions unanswered."
  16. Obfuscate (v.) - to make something unclear or difficult to understand Example sentence: "The politician's speech was designed to obfuscate the truth about the budget."
  17. Pellucid (adj.) - clear and transparent Example sentence: "The pellucid water of the lake was perfect for swimming."
  18. Quixotic (adj.) - extravagantly chivalrous or romantic in a way that is considered unrealistic or impractical Example sentence: "My friend's quixotic idea of traveling the world on a motorcycle was inspiring, but also a bit reckless."
  19. Reclusive (adj.) - preferring to be alone or avoiding social contact Example sentence: "The reclusive author rarely gave interviews or made public appearances."
  20. Sagacious (adj.) - having keen discernment, sound judgment, and farsightedness Example sentence: "The sagacious investor made a fortune by predicting the market trends."
  21. Tintinnabulation (n.) - a ringing or tinkling sound, especially of a bell Example sentence: "The tintinnabulation of the wind chimes was soothing to listen to."
  22. Uxoricide (n.) - the act of murdering one's wife Example sentence: "The uxoricide was a shocking and tragic event that shook the community."
  23. Vulpine (adj.) - cunning or sly, like a fox Example sentence: "The vulpine businessman was known for his clever deals and negotiations."
  24. Wamble (v.) - to walk or move unsteadily Example sentence: "After a few drinks, I started to wamble home."
  25. Xanthosis (n.) - a yellowish discoloration of the skin Example sentence: "The patient's xanthosis was a sign of liver disease."
  26. Yonder (adv.) - at a distance, either physically or metaphorically Example sentence: "The beautiful sunset was yonder on the horizon."
  27. Zymurgy (n.) - the study of fermentation in brewing Example sentence: "The brewmaster was an expert in zymurgy and could create unique flavors and aromas."
  28. Abstruse (adj.) - difficult to understand; obscure Example sentence: "The professor's abstruse lecture on quantum physics left many students confused."
  29. Callipygian (adj.) - having well-shaped buttocks Example sentence: "The callipygian model was a popular choice for fashion magazines."
  30. Defenestration (n.) - the act of throwing someone or something out of a window Example sentence: "The defenestration of the politician was a dramatic and unexpected event."
  31. Ephemeral (adj.) - lasting for a very short time Example sentence: "The firefly's glow was ephemeral, lasting only for a few seconds."
  32. Florid (adj.) - excessively ornate or flowery in language or style Example sentence: "The florid language used in the novel was a bit over-the-top."
  33. Garrulity (n.) - the quality of being talkative or loquacious Example sentence: "My friend's garrulity was a bit exhausting, but I enjoyed listening to her stories."
  34. Heliotropism (n.) - the phenomenon of plants turning their leaves towards the sun Example sentence: "The heliotropism of the sunflowers was a beautiful sight to behold."
  35. Insouciant (adj.) - carefree and nonchalant Example sentence: "The insouciant attitude of the surfer was infectious and made everyone feel relaxed."
  36. Jargonelle (n.) - a type of pear Example sentence: "The jargonelle pear was a favorite among the chefs in the restaurant."
  37. Kintsugi (n.) - the art of repairing broken pottery with gold or silver lacquer Example sentence: "The kintsugi technique was used to repair the ancient vase, making it even more beautiful."
  38. Liminal (adj.) - of or relating to a transitional phase or state Example sentence: "The liminal period between childhood and adulthood can be a challenging time for many people."
  39. Murmuration (n.) - a flock of starlings Example sentence: "The murmuration of starlings was a breathtaking sight, with thousands of birds flying in unison."
  40. Nefarious (adj.) - wicked or evil Example sentence: "The nefarious activities of the criminal organization were finally exposed by the authorities."
  41. Obtuse (adj.) - lacking sharpness or quickness of mind Example sentence: "The obtuse professor struggled to explain the complex concept to his students."
  42. Picaresque (adj.) - adventurous and wandering, often in a carefree or irresponsible way Example sentence: "The picaresque lifestyle of the traveling musician was exciting, but also a bit unpredictable."
  43. Quandary (n.) - a state of uncertainty or indecision Example sentence: "I was in a quandary about what to do with my life, so I decided to take a break and travel."
  44. Reclusive (adj.) - preferring to be alone or avoiding social contact Example sentence: "The reclusive author rarely gave interviews or made public appearances."
  45. Sesquipedalian (adj.) - given to using long words Example sentence: "The sesquipedalian professor's lectures were often difficult to follow, but his students admired his erudition."
  46. Torsion (n.) - a twisting or turning motion Example sentence: "The torsion of the rope caused it to snap under the tension."
  47. Ultracrepidarian (n.) - a person who gives opinions on matters beyond their knowledge or expertise Example sentence: "The ultracrepidarian blogger was known for his uninformed and often inaccurate opinions."
  48. Velleity (n.) - a mild or slight desire Example sentence: "I have a velleity for ice cream, but I'm trying to resist the temptation."
  49. Wunderkind (n.) - a child prodigy Example sentence: "The wunderkind pianist was only 10 years old when she performed at Carnegie Hall."
  50. Xanthosis (n.) - a yellowish discoloration of the skin Example sentence: "The patient's xanthosis was a sign of liver disease."

Note: Some of these words may be more commonly used in certain regions or communities, and some may be more obscure or specialized.