5 year old new teeth growing behind baby teeth

What an exciting milestone!

It's completely normal for children to start growing new teeth behind their baby teeth. This process is called "eruption" and it's a sign that their permanent teeth are developing and getting ready to emerge.

Here are some fun facts about this process:

  1. Timing is everything: Typically, children start growing new teeth behind their baby teeth around the age of 4-5 years old. This is because their permanent teeth start developing in the womb, and it takes a few years for them to grow and mature.
  2. Baby teeth are like placeholders: Baby teeth serve as placeholders for the permanent teeth. They help guide the permanent teeth into the correct position and provide a temporary chewing surface until the permanent teeth come in.
  3. Permanent teeth are bigger and stronger: Permanent teeth are larger and stronger than baby teeth. They're designed to last a lifetime, whereas baby teeth typically fall out and are replaced by permanent teeth between the ages of 6-12 years old.
  4. Eruption is a gradual process: The process of eruption can take several months to a few years, depending on the individual child. It's not uncommon for children to have a mix of baby teeth and permanent teeth in their mouth at the same time.
  5. Keep an eye on it: While it's normal for children to grow new teeth behind their baby teeth, it's still important to monitor the process and keep an eye on the development of their teeth. If you notice any unusual changes or concerns, be sure to consult with your child's pediatric dentist or orthodontist.

Some signs that your child's new teeth are growing behind their baby teeth include:

Remember to encourage your child to take good care of their teeth by brushing regularly and visiting their dentist for regular check-ups.