5 steps towards a glorious new year sermons

Here are five steps towards a glorious new year, with a sermon outline:

Title: "A Glorious New Year: Embracing God's Plan for Our Lives"

Step 1: Reflection and Repentance

Step 2: Renewal and Revival

Step 3: Reorientation and Realignment

Step 4: Restoration and Redemption

Step 5: Resilience and Renewed Purpose


As we enter a new year, we have the opportunity to start fresh and leave our old selves behind. We can trust that God is our Rock and our Strength, and that He will guide us as we pursue our purpose in life. Let us reflect on the past year, repent of our sins, and ask God to renew and revive us. Let us reorient our lives and realign our priorities with God's plans, and trust that He will restore and redeem us. And let us be resilient in the face of adversity, knowing that God is with us and will guide us every step of the way.