5 new inventions 2018 that will blow your mind

2018 was a great year for innovation, with many exciting new inventions that have the potential to revolutionize various industries and aspects of our lives. Here are 5 new inventions from 2018 that will blow your mind:

  1. The Foldable Smartphone: Samsung Galaxy X

In 2018, Samsung unveiled the Galaxy X, a foldable smartphone that can transform from a compact device to a larger tablet-like screen. This revolutionary design allows users to enjoy a bigger screen without the bulk of a traditional tablet. The Galaxy X features a 7.3-inch screen that can be folded and unfolded multiple times, making it a game-changer for mobile devices.

  1. The World's First 3D-Printed Heart

In 2018, researchers at Tel Aviv University in Israel created the world's first 3D-printed heart using a patient's own cells. This breakthrough invention has the potential to revolutionize the field of organ transplantation, allowing for the creation of custom-made organs for patients in need. The 3D-printed heart is still in its early stages, but it's an exciting development that could change the face of medicine.

  1. The Self-Healing Robot: Soft Robotics' Octopus-Inspired Robot

Soft Robotics, a US-based company, developed an octopus-inspired robot that can self-heal from damage. The robot's soft, flexible body can stretch and recover from cuts and tears, making it ideal for use in search and rescue missions, medical procedures, and other applications where delicate handling is required.

  1. The Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) Helmet: Neurable's Neurofeedback Headset

Neurable, a US-based startup, developed a brain-computer interface (BCI) helmet that allows users to control digital devices with their thoughts. The Neurofeedback Headset uses electroencephalography (EEG) sensors to detect brain activity and translate it into digital commands. This technology has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with technology and could be used in a variety of applications, including gaming, healthcare, and education.

  1. The Artificial Photosynthesis System: University of Cambridge's Solar-Powered Water Splitting

Researchers at the University of Cambridge developed an artificial photosynthesis system that can split water into hydrogen and oxygen using sunlight. This technology has the potential to provide a sustainable and renewable source of energy, as well as a way to produce clean water. The system uses a solar-powered device to split water molecules, producing hydrogen gas that can be used as a clean energy source or stored for later use.

These inventions are just a few examples of the many exciting innovations that emerged in 2018. They have the potential to transform various industries and aspects of our lives, and we can expect to see even more groundbreaking inventions in the years to come.