44 west 4th street new york ny 10012

A specific address in the heart of Manhattan!

44 West 4th Street is located in the Greenwich Village neighborhood of New York City. Here are a few interesting facts about the area:

  1. Historic neighborhood: Greenwich Village, also known as "The Village," is one of the oldest neighborhoods in New York City. It has a rich history dating back to the 17th century.
  2. Cultural hub: The neighborhood is known for its vibrant cultural scene, with numerous art galleries, music venues, and theaters.
  3. Food and drink: You'll find a diverse range of restaurants, cafes, and bars in the area, serving everything from classic New York-style pizza to upscale cuisine.
  4. Shopping: West 4th Street is lined with unique boutiques, vintage shops, and specialty stores.
  5. NYU presence: The New York University (NYU) campus is nearby, with several buildings and facilities located in the area.

As for the specific address, 44 West 4th Street is likely a residential or commercial building, possibly with a mix of apartments, offices, and retail spaces. Without more information, it's difficult to determine the exact use of the building.