43778 spruce haven lane new ulm mn 56073
A specific address!
Here's what I found:
- Address: 43778 Spruce Haven Lane, New Ulm, MN 56073
- Location: This address is located in Brown County, Minnesota, United States.
- City: New Ulm
- State: Minnesota
- ZIP Code: 56073
- County: Brown County
If you're looking for more information about this address, here are a few things I can tell you:
- According to Google Maps, this address is located in a residential area, surrounded by single-family homes and trees.
- The nearest major intersection is Spruce Haven Lane and 437th Street.
- The closest city is New Ulm, which is about 5 miles away.
- The nearest airport is the New Ulm Municipal Airport, which is about 4 miles away.
If you have any specific questions or need more information, feel free to ask!