426 5th new rochelle ny 10801

A specific address!

Here's what I found:

Address: 426 5th Avenue, New Rochelle, NY 10801

Location: This address is located in the city of New Rochelle, which is a suburban city in Westchester County, New York, United States.

Neighborhood: The address is situated in the downtown area of New Rochelle, near the intersection of 5th Avenue and Main Street. The neighborhood is known for its historic architecture, charming shops, and restaurants.

Public Transportation: The address is conveniently located near the New Rochelle Metro-North Railroad station, which provides direct access to Grand Central Terminal in Manhattan. The city is also served by the Bee-Line Bus System.

Points of Interest:


Please note that this information is subject to change and may not reflect the current situation. If you're looking for more specific information or updates, I recommend checking with local authorities or online directories.