403 forbidden request forbidden by administrative rules new site

The infamous "403 Forbidden" error!

A 403 Forbidden error typically means that the server has refused to grant access to the requested resource. In this case, it's likely due to administrative rules or restrictions on the new site.

Here are some possible reasons why you're seeing this error:

  1. Access restrictions: The site may have implemented access controls, such as IP blocking or rate limiting, to prevent excessive requests or to protect sensitive data.
  2. Authentication required: The site might require authentication or authorization to access certain resources, and you haven't provided the necessary credentials.
  3. Content protection: The site may be using content protection measures, such as DRM (Digital Rights Management) or access controls, to restrict access to specific content.
  4. Server configuration: The server may be configured to block requests from certain IP addresses, user agents, or referrers.
  5. Firewall or proxy issues: Firewalls or proxies may be blocking or modifying requests, causing the error.

To resolve the issue, you can try the following:

  1. Check the site's terms of use: Review the site's terms of use and see if there are any specific restrictions or requirements for accessing certain content.
  2. Try a different browser or device: Sometimes, the issue can be browser-specific or device-specific. Try accessing the site from a different browser or device to see if the error persists.
  3. Clear browser cache and cookies: Clearing your browser cache and cookies may help resolve the issue.
  4. Contact the site administrator: If you're still having trouble, you can try contacting the site administrator or webmaster to ask about the issue and see if they can provide more information or assistance.
  5. Check for firewall or proxy issues: If you're behind a firewall or proxy, try accessing the site from a different network or location to see if the error persists.