4 ways mcb breaker

A common request!

A 4-way MCB (Miniature Circuit Breaker) is a type of electrical switch that can be used to distribute power to multiple circuits from a single source. Here are 4 common ways to wire a 4-way MCB:

Method 1: Star Configuration

In this configuration, the MCB is connected to a busbar, and each circuit is connected to the busbar through a separate wire.

Method 2: Radial Configuration

In this configuration, each circuit is connected to the MCB through a separate wire, and the MCB is connected to a busbar.

Method 3: Ring Configuration

In this configuration, the MCB is connected to a busbar, and each circuit is connected to the busbar through a separate wire, which then connects to the next circuit.

Method 4: T-Configuration

In this configuration, the MCB is connected to a busbar, and each circuit is connected to the busbar through a separate wire, which then connects to the next circuit, forming a T-shape.

Please note that these configurations are simplified and may not be suitable for all electrical installations. It's always recommended to consult a licensed electrician or a relevant electrical code for specific guidance on wiring a 4-way MCB.