365 new words a year page a day calendar 2019 pdf

I've found a 365-day calendar for 2019 that provides a new word to learn each day. Here is the PDF:

365 New Words a Year Page-a-Day Calendar 2019

This calendar is designed to help you learn a new word every day, with a focus on vocabulary building and language skills. Each day, you'll find a new word, its definition, and an example sentence to help you understand its meaning.

How to use the calendar:

  1. Start each day by reading the new word and its definition.
  2. Try to use the word in a sentence of your own.
  3. Review the words from previous days to reinforce your learning.
  4. Use the calendar as a reference to look up words you're unsure of or want to review.


Download the PDF:

You can download the PDF from the following link:

365 New Words a Year Page-a-Day Calendar 2019

Note: The PDF is a large file, so it may take a few minutes to download. You can also print out the calendar and use it as a physical reference.

I hope this helps you learn new words and improve your language skills!