360 strategy for launching a new brand references

A 360-degree strategy for launching a new brand involves a comprehensive approach that covers all aspects of the brand, including its identity, messaging, visual elements, and overall brand experience. Here are some references to help you develop a 360-degree strategy for launching a new brand:


  1. Define the brand's mission, vision, and values (MVV) to provide a clear direction for the brand.
  2. Develop a unique value proposition (UVP) that differentiates the brand from competitors.
  3. Create a brand positioning statement that outlines the brand's unique strengths and benefits.


  1. Develop a brand messaging framework that outlines the key messages, tone, and language to be used across all channels.
  2. Create a brand voice and tone guide to ensure consistency in communication.
  3. Craft a brand story that highlights the brand's history, values, and mission.

Visual Elements:

  1. Develop a brand identity system that includes a logo, color palette, typography, and imagery.
  2. Create a brand style guide that outlines the usage guidelines for the brand's visual elements.
  3. Design a brand website that serves as the hub for all brand communications.

Brand Experience:

  1. Develop a customer journey map that outlines the customer's experience across all touchpoints.
  2. Create a brand experience strategy that outlines the key moments of truth and how to optimize them.
  3. Design a brand experience that is consistent across all channels, including physical and digital environments.

Launch Plan:

  1. Develop a launch plan that outlines the key activities, timelines, and budgets for the brand launch.
  2. Create a pre-launch checklist to ensure all necessary preparations are made before the launch.
  3. Plan for post-launch evaluation and optimization to measure the success of the launch and identify areas for improvement.


  1. "The Brand Gap" by Marty Neumeier - A comprehensive guide to building a strong brand.
  2. "Designing Brand Identity" by Alina Wheeler - A guide to creating a brand identity system.
  3. "Contagious: Why Things Catch On" by Jonah Berger - A book on how to create a viral brand.
  4. "Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion" by Robert Cialdini - A book on how to influence consumer behavior.
  5. "The 4 Disciplines of Execution" by Chris McChesney, Sean Covey, and Jim Huling - A book on how to execute a strategy.


  1. Brand positioning statement template
  2. Brand messaging framework template
  3. Brand style guide template
  4. Customer journey map template
  5. Launch plan template

By following these references and using these tools, you can develop a comprehensive 360-degree strategy for launching a new brand that covers all aspects of the brand and provides a solid foundation for future growth and success.