345 ne new lexington ohio
A specific location!
345 N. New Lexington, Ohio is a residential address. Here's what I found:
- The address is located in Perry County, Ohio, United States.
- According to Google Maps, the address is approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes southeast of Columbus, Ohio.
- The area is a rural region with a mix of farmland and residential properties.
- There are no notable landmarks or businesses at this specific address, as it appears to be a private residence.
If you're looking for more information about the area, here are a few things you might find useful:
- The nearest city is New Lexington, Ohio, which is about 5 miles north of the address.
- The nearest major highway is US-33, which runs east-west through the area.
- The closest airport is the Columbus International Airport (CMH), which is about an hour and 20 minutes northwest of the address.
If you have any specific questions or would like more information about the area, feel free to ask!