343 17th ave paterson nj to clifton new jersey

A trip from Paterson to Clifton, both in New Jersey!

According to Google Maps, the driving distance from 343 17th Ave, Paterson, NJ to Clifton, NJ is approximately 6.4 miles and takes around 15-20 minutes to complete, depending on traffic conditions.

Here are the directions:

  1. From 343 17th Ave, head north on 17th Ave toward E 4th St
  2. Turn left onto E 4th St
  3. Continue onto Main St
  4. Turn right onto McBride Ave
  5. Continue onto Clifton Ave
  6. Arrive in Clifton, NJ

You can take the NJ Transit Bus #190 from Paterson to Clifton, which takes around 30-40 minutes. The bus fare is approximately $2.00.

Alternatively, you can take a taxi or ride-hailing service like Uber or Lyft, which would take around 15-20 minutes and cost around $15-$20, depending on traffic.

Please note that traffic and road conditions may affect the duration of your trip, so be sure to check for updates before you leave.