33003 popular ct new haven
A specific address!
33003 Popular Court is located in New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Here are some details about the area:
- Zip code: 06511 (New Haven, CT)
- Neighborhood: The address is situated in the Fair Haven neighborhood of New Haven, which is a charming and historic area with a mix of old and new homes, shops, and restaurants.
- Proximity: The address is approximately 1.5 miles from the Yale University campus, 2.5 miles from downtown New Haven, and 3.5 miles from the Long Wharf area.
- Public transportation: The address is serviced by the New Haven Green Line bus route, which connects to downtown New Haven and other parts of the city.
- Amenities: The area has a mix of local shops, restaurants, and services, including a grocery store, pharmacy, and coffee shop. There are also several parks and green spaces nearby, including the Fair Haven Green and the New Haven Green.
Please note that this information is based on publicly available data and may not reflect the current condition or status of the property or neighborhood. If you're looking for more specific information or have questions about the area, feel free to ask!