300 top hollywood women launch anti harassment initiative #

You're referring to the powerful initiative launched by over 300 women in the Hollywood industry to combat sexual harassment and create a safer and more respectful work environment.

The initiative, which was announced in October 2017, is called the "Time's Up" movement. It was launched in response to the widespread allegations of sexual harassment and assault that were made against Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein, which sparked the #MeToo movement.

The Time's Up movement is a collective effort by women in the entertainment industry to use their voices and platforms to demand change and create a culture of respect and inclusivity. The initiative includes a number of key components, including:

  1. A legal defense fund: The Time's Up movement has established a legal defense fund to provide financial support to women who have experienced sexual harassment or assault in the workplace.
  2. A code of conduct: The movement has developed a code of conduct that outlines the expectations for respectful behavior in the workplace.
  3. A campaign to raise awareness: The Time's Up movement is running a campaign to raise awareness about the issue of sexual harassment and assault in the workplace, and to encourage men to join the conversation and take action to create a safer and more respectful work environment.
  4. A call to action: The movement is calling on women to use their voices and platforms to demand change and to create a culture of respect and inclusivity.

The Time's Up movement has been widely praised for its efforts to combat sexual harassment and assault in the workplace, and has inspired similar initiatives in other industries.