300 the new cut full movie

You're looking for the full movie "300"!

"300" is a 2006 epic historical action film directed by Zack Snyder, based on the 1998 comic series of the same name by Frank Miller and Lynn Varley. The film is a fictionalized account of the Battle of Thermopylae, where a small group of Spartan warriors led by King Leonidas (Gerard Butler) fought against the invading Persian army led by King Xerxes (Rodrigo Santoro).

Here's the movie's plot:

In ancient Greece, King Leonidas of Sparta is approached by the Oracle (David Wenham) with a prophecy that a great war will soon engulf Greece. Meanwhile, the Persian Empire, led by King Xerxes, is preparing to invade Greece. Leonidas is tasked with leading a small group of 300 Spartan warriors to defend the narrow pass of Thermopylae against the massive Persian army.

As the battle begins, the Spartans, armed with their iconic shields and spears, face off against the Persian army, which is estimated to be over 100,000 strong. Despite being vastly outnumbered, the Spartans hold their ground, using their phalanx formation and clever tactics to inflict heavy casualties on the Persians.

Meanwhile, Queen Gorgo (Lena Headey), Leonidas' wife, tries to persuade the Spartan council to send more troops to aid her husband, but they refuse, fearing the loss of their city's army. As the battle rages on, Leonidas and his men fight valiantly, but they are eventually surrounded and killed, except for a few survivors who escape to tell the tale.

The movie ends with the defeat of the Spartans, but the legend of Leonidas and his 300 warriors lives on, inspiring future generations of Greeks to resist the Persian Empire.

"300" was a critical and commercial success, praised for its stunning visuals, intense action sequences, and memorable performances. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend checking it out!

Would you like to know more about the historical context of the Battle of Thermopylae or the making of the movie?