30 new words of dictionary

Here are 30 new words that can be added to a dictionary:

  1. Flumplen (v.) - to confuse or perplex someone
  2. Snurfle (v.) - to search for something in a careless or haphazard manner
  3. Jinkle (n.) - a small, shiny object that makes a pleasant sound when moved
  4. Wuggle (v.) - to walk or move with a wobbly or unsteady gait
  5. Flibloom (n.) - a type of flower that blooms only at night
  6. Glibble (v.) - to talk nonsense or speak foolishly
  7. Snizzle (v.) - to make a hissing or snorting sound
  8. Wizzle (n.) - a type of electronic device that makes a high-pitched whirring noise
  9. Flish (n.) - a type of fish that is known for its bright, iridescent scales
  10. Jollop (v.) - to move quickly or hastily
  11. Kablooey (n.) - a loud, explosive sound
  12. Wumplen (v.) - to make a silly or foolish face
  13. Flarp (n.) - a type of fabric that is soft and fluffy
  14. Snurf (v.) - to search for something in a thorough or meticulous manner
  15. Jinklewiff (n.) - a type of bird that is known for its beautiful, melodious song
  16. Wizzlewhack (v.) - to hit or strike something with a loud, whacking sound
  17. Flishy (adj.) - having a bright, iridescent color
  18. Glibbleglorp (n.) - a type of strange or unusual creature
  19. Snizzlepop (v.) - to make a hissing or snorting sound, followed by a popping noise
  20. Wumplenook (n.) - a type of silly or foolish person
  21. Flumplenook (n.) - a type of confusing or perplexing situation
  22. Jolloplop (v.) - to move quickly or hastily, followed by a plopping sound
  23. Kablooeybang (n.) - a loud, explosive sound, followed by a banging noise
  24. Wizzlewhir (n.) - a type of electronic device that makes a high-pitched whirring noise
  25. Flishyflop (v.) - to move quickly or hastily, followed by a flopping sound
  26. Snurflot (v.) - to search for something in a thorough or meticulous manner, followed by a floating sound
  27. Jinklewiffle (n.) - a type of bird that is known for its beautiful, melodious song
  28. Wumplenookle (n.) - a type of silly or foolish person
  29. Flumplenookle (n.) - a type of confusing or perplexing situation
  30. Glibbleglorpity (n.) - a type of strange or unusual creature

Note: These words are not real words and are just examples of new words that can be added to a dictionary.