30 60 90 days plan new job marketing

Here's a 30-60-90 day plan for marketing in a new job:

Day 1-30:

  1. Get familiar with the company's marketing landscape:
    • Review the company's website, social media, and marketing materials.
    • Identify the target audience, products/services, and marketing channels used.
    • Research the competition and industry trends.
  2. Meet with the team and stakeholders:
    • Introduce yourself to the marketing team, sales team, and other relevant stakeholders.
    • Discuss their roles, responsibilities, and expectations.
    • Identify key performance indicators (KPIs) and goals.
  3. Assess the current marketing strategy:
    • Review the current marketing strategy, tactics, and budget.
    • Identify areas for improvement and opportunities for growth.
    • Develop a plan to address any gaps or weaknesses.
  4. Develop a marketing plan:
    • Based on the research and assessment, develop a comprehensive marketing plan that aligns with the company's goals and objectives.
    • Identify specific marketing initiatives, tactics, and timelines.
    • Establish a budget and resource allocation plan.

Day 31-60:

  1. Launch marketing initiatives:
    • Implement the marketing initiatives outlined in the plan.
    • Focus on building brand awareness, generating leads, and driving conversions.
    • Monitor and measure the performance of each initiative.
  2. Optimize and refine marketing efforts:
    • Analyze the performance of each marketing initiative.
    • Identify areas for improvement and opportunities for optimization.
    • Refine marketing efforts to maximize ROI and achieve goals.
  3. Develop relationships with key stakeholders:
    • Continue to build relationships with the marketing team, sales team, and other stakeholders.
    • Identify key decision-makers and influencers.
    • Develop a plan to engage with them and keep them informed about marketing initiatives.
  4. Monitor and report on marketing performance:
    • Track and measure the performance of marketing initiatives.
    • Develop regular reports to share with stakeholders.
    • Identify areas for improvement and opportunities for growth.

Day 61-90:

  1. Scale and expand marketing efforts:
    • Based on the performance of marketing initiatives, scale and expand efforts to achieve greater reach and impact.
    • Identify new opportunities for growth and expansion.
    • Develop a plan to capitalize on these opportunities.
  2. Develop a content marketing strategy:
    • Develop a content marketing strategy that aligns with the company's goals and objectives.
    • Identify key topics, formats, and channels for content distribution.
    • Develop a plan to create and distribute high-quality content.
  3. Enhance marketing analytics and reporting:
    • Develop a plan to enhance marketing analytics and reporting.
    • Identify key metrics and KPIs to track and measure.
    • Develop a plan to provide regular reports and insights to stakeholders.
  4. Continuously improve and innovate:
    • Continuously monitor and evaluate marketing performance.
    • Identify areas for improvement and opportunities for innovation.
    • Develop a plan to stay ahead of the competition and achieve marketing excellence.

Remember, this is just a general plan and may need to be tailored to your specific role, company, and industry. The key is to be proactive, flexible, and focused on achieving marketing excellence.