30 60 90 day plan template for new managers

Here is a 30-60-90 day plan template for new managers:

30-Day Plan:

Objective: Establish a strong foundation for success and build relationships with key stakeholders.

Key Tasks:

  1. Meet with the team:
    • Introduce yourself and your expectations.
    • Discuss team goals, objectives, and priorities.
    • Encourage open communication and feedback.
  2. Review current processes and procedures:
    • Familiarize yourself with existing policies, procedures, and systems.
    • Identify areas for improvement and potential bottlenecks.
  3. Meet with key stakeholders:
    • Discuss expectations, goals, and priorities with direct reports, peers, and superiors.
    • Establish relationships and build trust.
  4. Assess team performance:
    • Review current performance metrics and KPIs.
    • Identify areas for improvement and potential opportunities for growth.
  5. Develop a plan for your first 60 days:
    • Based on your observations and discussions, create a plan for your first 60 days.

60-Day Plan:

Objective: Continue to build relationships, assess team performance, and develop a plan for improvement.

Key Tasks:

  1. Continue to meet with the team:
    • Hold regular team meetings to discuss progress, goals, and challenges.
    • Encourage open communication and feedback.
  2. Analyze team performance:
    • Review performance metrics and KPIs in more detail.
    • Identify areas for improvement and potential opportunities for growth.
  3. Develop a plan for improvement:
    • Based on your analysis, create a plan to address areas for improvement.
    • Identify potential solutions and resources needed.
  4. Meet with key stakeholders:
    • Discuss progress, goals, and priorities with direct reports, peers, and superiors.
    • Establish relationships and build trust.
  5. Begin implementing changes:
    • Start implementing changes and improvements identified in your plan.

90-Day Plan:

Objective: Continue to implement changes, assess progress, and develop a plan for long-term success.

Key Tasks:

  1. Monitor progress:
    • Track progress against goals and objectives.
    • Identify areas for improvement and potential opportunities for growth.
  2. Evaluate team performance:
    • Review performance metrics and KPIs in detail.
    • Identify areas for improvement and potential opportunities for growth.
  3. Develop a plan for long-term success:
    • Based on your analysis, create a plan for long-term success.
    • Identify potential solutions and resources needed.
  4. Meet with key stakeholders:
    • Discuss progress, goals, and priorities with direct reports, peers, and superiors.
    • Establish relationships and build trust.
  5. Continue to implement changes:
    • Continue to implement changes and improvements identified in your plan.

Additional Tips:

Remember, this is just a template, and you should tailor it to your specific needs and goals. Good luck with your new role!