3 billion jonathan gift to nollywood news punch

I think you may be referring to a news article or headline that reads: "3 billion Naira gift to Nollywood by Jonathan".

Here's a possible summary of the news:

Former President Goodluck Jonathan has reportedly gifted the Nigerian film industry, Nollywood, a sum of 3 billion Naira (approximately $8.5 million USD). The gift is aimed at promoting the growth and development of the industry, which has been a significant contributor to Nigeria's economy.

According to reports, the gift was announced during a ceremony at the State House in Abuja, where Jonathan was said to have presented the cheque to the Minister of Information and Culture, Alhaji Lai Mohammed.

The gift is seen as a major boost to the industry, which has been facing challenges in recent years, including funding and infrastructure. The money is expected to be used to support the production of new films, as well as to upgrade the infrastructure of film studios and other facilities.

Nollywood is one of the largest film industries in the world, producing over 1,000 movies per year. It has become a significant source of employment and revenue for many Nigerians, and has also helped to promote the country's culture and tourism.

It's worth noting that the accuracy of this news report cannot be verified without further information, and it's possible that the report may be incorrect or outdated.