2pac new pictures

I'm happy to help! However, I need to clarify that Tupac Shakur, also known as 2Pac, passed away on September 13, 1996, so it's not possible to find new pictures of him. He was a legendary American rapper, actor, and social activist who left a lasting impact on the music industry and popular culture.

If you're looking for pictures of Tupac, I can suggest some reputable sources where you can find his iconic images:

  1. Getty Images: Getty Images has an extensive collection of Tupac's photos, including his early days as a rapper, his music videos, and his iconic album covers.
  2. AP Images: The Associated Press (AP) has a vast archive of Tupac's photos, including his performances, interviews, and public appearances.
  3. Corbis Images: Corbis Images, now part of Getty Images, has a large collection of Tupac's photos, including his early days as a rapper and his music videos.
  4. Tupac's official website: You can also find official photos of Tupac on his official website, which features his music, videos, and biography.

Remember to always verify the authenticity of the sources and images you find online to ensure they are legitimate and respectful of Tupac's legacy.