2degrees new zealand

2degrees is a New Zealand-based telecommunications company that provides mobile phone and internet services to consumers and businesses. Here are some key facts about 2degrees:

History: 2degrees was founded in 2009 by a group of entrepreneurs, including Chris Whelan, Mark Aue, and Eric Hertz. The company launched its mobile network in 2009 and has since grown to become one of the largest mobile network operators in New Zealand.

Services: 2degrees offers a range of services, including:

Network: 2degrees operates a 4G LTE network, which covers over 98% of New Zealand's population. The company has also invested in a fibre network, which provides fast and reliable internet access to customers.

Awards and recognition: 2degrees has received several awards and recognition for its services and network. In 2020, the company was named the "Best Mobile Network" by the New Zealand Telecommunications Users Association (TUANZ).

Competitors: 2degrees competes with other major telecommunications companies in New Zealand, including Spark New Zealand, Vodafone New Zealand, and Orcon.

Customer base: 2degrees has a significant customer base in New Zealand, with over 2 million customers as of 2022.

Financials: 2degrees is a privately-owned company, and its financial performance is not publicly disclosed. However, the company has reported significant revenue growth in recent years, driven by the growth of its mobile and broadband services.

Overall, 2degrees is a major player in the New Zealand telecommunications market, offering a range of services and products to consumers and businesses.