2babas manager omorogbe arrested for forging coson letterhead

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According to reports, the manager of 2Baba, Omorogbe, has been arrested for allegedly forging a letterhead from the Nigerian Customs Service (NCS) and the Nigerian Shippers' Council (NSC).

For those who may not know, 2Baba is a renowned Nigerian musician, and Omorogbe is his manager. It appears that Omorogbe used the forged documents to secure a loan from a bank.

The police investigation revealed that Omorogbe created fake documents, including a letterhead from the NCS and NSC, to deceive the bank into lending him a large sum of money. The bank, however, became suspicious and reported the matter to the police, leading to Omorogbe's arrest.

This is a serious offense, and it's disappointing to see someone in a position of trust and responsibility engaging in such fraudulent activities. It's essential for individuals to uphold ethical standards and avoid engaging in illegal activities that can harm others.

What do you think about this story? Should Omorogbe face severe consequences for his actions?