249 state street new bedford 02740 massachusetts

A specific address!

249 State Street, New Bedford, MA 02740 is a location in the city of New Bedford, Massachusetts, United States.

Here are a few things you might want to know about this address:

  1. Location: The address is situated in the heart of New Bedford, a coastal city in Bristol County, Massachusetts. It's about 60 miles (97 km) south of Boston.
  2. Neighborhood: The area around 249 State Street is a mix of residential and commercial properties, with a blend of old and new buildings. You'll find a variety of shops, restaurants, and services within walking distance.
  3. History: New Bedford has a rich maritime history, and the city was once a major whaling hub. Today, you can visit the New Bedford Whaling Museum, which is located nearby.
  4. Points of interest: From 249 State Street, you're within walking distance to the New Bedford Harbor, the New Bedford Public Library, and the historic Seamen's Bethel.
  5. Transportation: The address is accessible by car, with parking options available nearby. You can also use public transportation, including buses operated by the Southeastern Regional Transit Authority (SRTA).

If you're planning a visit or have a connection to this address, I hope this information helps!