23 november 2016 tide news pepper

A specific date and topic!

According to the archives, on November 23, 2016, the news was dominated by the US presidential election, which had taken place just a week earlier. Here are some of the top stories from that day:

Tide News

  1. Trump's Transition Team: Donald Trump's transition team was facing criticism for its slow pace and lack of transparency. The team was still working to fill key positions, including Secretary of State and Defense Secretary.
  2. Russia Investigation: The FBI was investigating Russian interference in the US presidential election, and there were reports that the agency was looking into whether Trump's campaign had colluded with Russia.
  3. Election Recounts: Recounts were underway in several states, including Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, after Green Party candidate Jill Stein requested recounts in those states.
  4. Trump's Cabinet Picks: Trump had announced several cabinet picks, including Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State and James Mattis as Defense Secretary. However, there were concerns about the qualifications and experience of some of the picks.
  5. Global Markets: Global markets were still reeling from the outcome of the election, with many investors worried about the impact of a Trump presidency on the economy.

Other News

  1. Turkey-US Relations: The US and Turkey were at odds over the detention of a Turkish banker in the US, with Turkey threatening to retaliate against the US if the banker was not released.
  2. North Korea: North Korea had conducted a nuclear test earlier in the month, and there were concerns about the country's nuclear program and its potential impact on regional stability.
  3. Brexit: The UK was still grappling with the aftermath of the Brexit vote, with the country's Prime Minister, Theresa May, announcing plans to trigger Article 50 and begin the process of leaving the EU.

These were some of the top stories from November 23, 2016.