205 luray dr williamstown new jersey 08094 united states
A specific address!
Here's what I found:
Address: 205 Luray Dr, Williamstown, NJ 08094, United States
Location: Williamstown is a township in Gloucester County, New Jersey, United States. It's located about 20 miles southeast of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Neighborhood: The address appears to be located in a residential area, likely a suburban neighborhood with single-family homes and possibly some commercial properties nearby.
Zip Code: The zip code 08094 is a United States Postal Service (USPS) code that serves the Williamstown area.
Other Information:
- Latitude: 39.6733° N
- Longitude: 75.0414° W
- Elevation: 59 feet (18 meters) above sea level
- Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time (EST) / Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) during daylight saving hours
Please note that this information is publicly available and may not reflect the current status or accuracy of the address. If you're looking for more specific information or have a specific question about this address, feel free to ask!