2020 new song in ghana

Here are some popular new songs in Ghana from 2020:

  1. "Tanor" by DarkoVibes ft. Stonebwoy - Released in January 2020, this song is a fusion of Afrobeats and Dancehall.
  2. "E Choke" by Shatta Wale - Released in February 2020, this song is a high-energy dance track with a catchy chorus.
  3. "Sore" by KiDi ft. Mayorkun - Released in March 2020, this song is a fusion of Afrobeats and R&B.
  4. "Genging" by Joey B ft. La Meme Gang - Released in April 2020, this song is a hip-hop track with a strong beat and catchy lyrics.
  5. "Odo Bra" by Kofi Mole ft. Joey B - Released in May 2020, this song is a fusion of Afrobeats and hip-hop.
  6. "Kokonsa" by Sarkodie ft. Oxlade - Released in June 2020, this song is a fusion of Afrobeats and R&B.
  7. "Shuga" by KiDi ft. Davido - Released in July 2020, this song is a fusion of Afrobeats and R&B.
  8. "Azul" by DarkoVibes ft. Stonebwoy - Released in August 2020, this song is a fusion of Afrobeats and Dancehall.
  9. "Wahala" by Shatta Wale ft. Nasty C - Released in September 2020, this song is a high-energy dance track with a catchy chorus.
  10. "Next" by KiDi ft. Mayorkun - Released in October 2020, this song is a fusion of Afrobeats and R&B.
  11. "Gyae" by Joey B ft. La Meme Gang - Released in November 2020, this song is a hip-hop track with a strong beat and catchy lyrics.
  12. "Bibia" by Kofi Mole ft. Joey B - Released in December 2020, this song is a fusion of Afrobeats and hip-hop.

These are just a few examples of the many great new songs in Ghana from 2020. You can find more music on streaming platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, and YouTube Music.