2020 new hampshire gubernatorial election

The 2020 New Hampshire gubernatorial election was held on November 3, 2020, to elect the Governor of New Hampshire. The election was won by incumbent Democratic Governor Chris Sununu, who defeated Republican challenger Corky Messner.

Here are the results of the election:

Chris Sununu was first elected as Governor of New Hampshire in 2016, and he was seeking re-election for a third term. Corky Messner, a businessman and attorney, was the Republican nominee. The election was seen as a key contest in the state, with both parties investing significant resources in the race.

Sununu's campaign focused on his record as governor, including his efforts to improve the state's economy, education system, and healthcare infrastructure. He also emphasized his commitment to protecting the state's natural resources and promoting outdoor recreation.

Messner's campaign, on the other hand, focused on his business experience and his promise to create jobs and stimulate economic growth in the state. He also criticized Sununu's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and his support for certain policies, such as the state's mask mandate.

In the end, Sununu's campaign proved successful, and he won re-election by a margin of nearly 18 percentage points. The election was seen as a significant victory for the Democratic Party in the state, as Sununu's win marked the first time a Democratic governor had been re-elected in New Hampshire since 2004.