2019 sowore engages nigerians in new york

I think you may be referring to the 2019 Nigerian Independence Day celebration in New York, where Omoyele Sowore, a Nigerian activist and journalist, was a key speaker.

On October 1, 2019, the Nigerian community in New York celebrated the country's 59th independence anniversary at the Brooklyn Museum. Sowore, who was the presidential candidate of the African Action Congress (AAC) in the 2019 Nigerian general elections, was one of the guest speakers at the event.

During his speech, Sowore addressed various issues affecting Nigeria, including corruption, poverty, and the need for a new generation of leaders to take over the country. He also spoke about the importance of unity and the need for Nigerians to come together to build a better future for themselves and their country.

The event was attended by hundreds of Nigerians and friends of Nigeria, and it was a celebration of Nigerian culture, music, and food. It was also an opportunity for the Nigerian community in New York to come together and reflect on the country's progress and challenges.

It's worth noting that Sowore's speech was not without controversy. Some attendees criticized his comments on the Nigerian government and the country's political leaders, while others praised his passion and commitment to the country's development.