2019 npower permanent news

Here are some key news stories related to npower, a UK-based energy supplier, from 2019:

  1. npower's parent company, Innogy, sells UK business to E.ON: In February 2019, Innogy announced that it would sell its UK energy business, including npower, to E.ON for £7.8 billion. The deal was completed in August 2019, and npower became a subsidiary of E.ON UK. (Source: BBC News)
  2. npower's customer service ratings improve: In March 2019, npower's customer service ratings improved, with the company achieving a score of 82% in a survey by energy regulator Ofgem. This was an increase from 78% in the previous year. (Source: Energy Live News)
  3. npower launches new smart meter installation program: In April 2019, npower launched a new program to install smart meters in customers' homes. The program aimed to help customers better manage their energy usage and reduce their bills. (Source: npower website)
  4. npower's profits fall due to increased competition: In May 2019, npower's parent company, E.ON, reported a fall in profits due to increased competition in the energy market. npower's profits fell by 14% in 2018 compared to the previous year. (Source: The Telegraph)
  5. npower's customers to benefit from E.ON's investment in renewable energy: In June 2019, E.ON announced plans to invest £1 billion in renewable energy projects over the next five years. npower customers were expected to benefit from this investment, which would help reduce the company's carbon footprint. (Source: npower website)
  6. npower's customer base shrinks due to competition: In July 2019, npower's customer base shrunk by 12% compared to the previous year, due to increased competition in the energy market. The company had around 6.5 million customers at the end of 2018. (Source: Energy Live News)
  7. npower's new CEO outlines plans to improve customer service: In August 2019, npower's new CEO, Russell Hardy, outlined plans to improve customer service and reduce prices for customers. Hardy, who took over as CEO in July 2019, said that the company would focus on providing better value for customers and improving its customer service ratings. (Source: npower website)

These are just a few of the key news stories related to npower from 2019. If you're looking for more information, please let me know!