2019 new zealand congress visa letter of support

I think there may be some confusion here!

New Zealand does not have a Congress, as it is a parliamentary democracy with a unicameral Parliament, not a bicameral system like the United States. Therefore, there is no "New Zealand Congress" that would issue a visa letter of support.

However, if you're referring to a letter of support for a visa application to New Zealand, I can provide some general information.

In New Zealand, a letter of support is often required for certain types of visa applications, such as:

  1. Family Category visa: A letter of support from a New Zealand citizen or resident sponsor is required to demonstrate that the sponsor is willing and able to support the applicant financially and provide accommodation.
  2. Skilled Migrant Category visa: A letter of support from an employer or a professional organization can be used to demonstrate the applicant's skills and qualifications.
  3. Student visa: A letter of support from a New Zealand educational institution can be required to demonstrate that the applicant has been accepted into a course of study.

To obtain a letter of support, you will typically need to provide documentation that demonstrates your relationship with the sponsor or the organization, as well as their willingness and ability to support you.

If you're looking for more specific information on obtaining a letter of support for a visa application to New Zealand, I recommend checking the official government website of New Zealand, Immigration New Zealand, or consulting with a licensed immigration adviser.