2019 new words

The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) has announced its selection of words that have been added to the dictionary in 2019. Here are some of the new words that made the cut:

  1. Infodemic: A situation in which there is a rapid spread of information, often false or misleading, about a particular topic or issue.
  2. Vaxxer: A person who has been vaccinated against a particular disease.
  3. Climate emergency: A situation in which the effects of climate change are severe and urgent, requiring immediate action.
  4. Doomscrolling: The act of continuing to scroll through bad news on social media, even though it's causing distress.
  5. E-scooter: A type of electric scooter designed for personal transportation.
  6. Fintech: Financial technology, referring to the use of technology to improve financial services.
  7. Gig economy: An economy in which short-term, flexible jobs are prevalent, often through online platforms.
  8. Hashtag activism: The use of social media hashtags to raise awareness and promote social and political causes.
  9. Influencer marketing: The practice of promoting products or services through social media influencers.
  10. JOMO: The joy of missing out, referring to the feeling of not being bothered by social media or other distractions.
  11. Kombucha: A fermented tea drink that is popular for its supposed health benefits.
  12. LGBTQ+: An abbreviation for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and other sexual and gender identities.
  13. Microaggression: A comment or action that is perceived as offensive or demeaning, often unintentionally.
  14. Nostalgia filter: A social media filter that adds a nostalgic effect to photos.
  15. Oversharing: The act of sharing too much personal information online.
  16. Plogging: The act of jogging or running while picking up litter and other waste.
  17. QAnon: A conspiracy theory that claims a secret cabal of powerful people is working against President Donald Trump.
  18. Ransomware: A type of malware that demands payment in exchange for restoring access to data.
  19. Sustainable fashion: Clothing and accessories that are designed to be environmentally friendly and socially responsible.
  20. TikTok: A social media app that allows users to create and share short-form videos.
  21. UFO: Unidentified flying object, now often used to refer to unidentified aerial phenomena.
  22. Veganuary: A month-long challenge to adopt a vegan diet and lifestyle.
  23. Wellness warrior: A person who prioritizes their physical and mental well-being.
  24. Xenophobia: Fear or dislike of people from other countries or cultures.
  25. Yaaas: An expression of strong agreement or enthusiasm.
  26. Zombie debt: Debt that is old and has been forgotten, but is still owed.

These words reflect the changing language and culture of 2019, and many of them have become an integral part of our daily conversations.