2019 latest tbc news

Here are some of the latest news and updates from the world of Traditional Building and Construction (TBC) in 2019:

1. Sustainable Building Materials: The use of sustainable building materials has gained significant attention in 2019. Companies like H&M and IKEA have announced plans to use recycled plastic in their products, while startups like Ecovative are developing mycelium-based building materials.

2. Modular Construction: Modular construction has seen a surge in popularity in 2019, with companies like Katerra and Method Homes leading the charge. Modular construction involves building structures in a factory and assembling them on-site, reducing waste and construction time.

3. 3D Printing in Construction: 3D printing technology has made significant progress in 2019, with companies like WinSun and Apis Cor printing entire buildings using 3D printing technology. This technology has the potential to revolutionize the construction industry by reducing labor costs and increasing efficiency.

4. Energy-Efficient Buildings: Energy-efficient buildings have become a major focus in 2019, with governments and companies around the world setting targets to reduce energy consumption. Technologies like solar panels, wind turbines, and energy-efficient windows are becoming increasingly popular.

5. Disaster-Resistant Construction: In the wake of natural disasters like hurricanes and earthquakes, disaster-resistant construction has become a major concern. Companies like Katerra and others are developing innovative materials and technologies to help buildings withstand natural disasters.

6. Smart Buildings: Smart buildings have become increasingly popular in 2019, with companies like Siemens and Johnson Controls developing intelligent building management systems. These systems use data analytics and IoT technology to optimize energy consumption, improve occupant comfort, and enhance building security.

7. Circular Economy in Construction: The circular economy has gained traction in 2019, with companies like H&M and IKEA announcing plans to adopt circular economy principles in their construction projects. This involves designing buildings that are recyclable, reusable, and biodegradable.

8. Autonomous Construction Equipment: Autonomous construction equipment has made significant progress in 2019, with companies like Caterpillar and Komatsu developing autonomous excavators and other equipment. This technology has the potential to improve safety, reduce labor costs, and increase efficiency.

9. Building Information Modeling (BIM): BIM has become increasingly popular in 2019, with companies like Autodesk and Trimble developing advanced BIM software. BIM involves creating digital models of buildings and infrastructure projects, which can improve collaboration, reduce errors, and enhance project delivery.

10. Sustainable Urban Planning: Sustainable urban planning has become a major focus in 2019, with cities around the world setting targets to reduce carbon emissions and improve air quality. This involves designing cities with green spaces, public transportation, and energy-efficient buildings.

These are just a few of the latest news and updates from the world of Traditional Building and Construction (TBC) in 2019. As the industry continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more innovative technologies and sustainable practices emerge.