2019 happy new year prayer

Here are some Happy New Year prayers for 2019:

General Prayer

Dear God, as we welcome a new year, we come before you with gratitude and hope. Thank you for the blessings of the past year and for the opportunities to grow and learn. We pray for your guidance and wisdom as we enter this new year, that we may use our time wisely and make the most of the opportunities that come our way. May we be filled with joy, peace, and love as we journey through this new year. Amen.

Prayer for Guidance

Dear God, as we step into this new year, we ask for your guidance and direction. Help us to discern your will for our lives and to follow your path. Give us wisdom to make good decisions and to stay focused on what is important. May we be led by your Spirit and may our hearts be filled with your love and peace. Amen.

Prayer for Protection

Dear God, as we enter this new year, we ask for your protection and care. Keep us safe from harm and danger, and shield us from the evil that seeks to destroy us. May your angels watch over us and keep us from harm. May we be surrounded by your love and peace, and may we be able to live in harmony with those around us. Amen.

Prayer for Blessings

Dear God, we come before you today to ask for your blessings in the new year. We pray for your favor and favorability to be upon us, that we may experience your goodness and kindness in every area of our lives. May our cups run over with blessings and may we be a blessing to others. May we be a light in the darkness and may we shine your love and light to all those around us. Amen.

Prayer for Forgiveness

Dear God, as we enter this new year, we come before you with a humble heart, asking for your forgiveness for our sins and shortcomings. We acknowledge that we have fallen short of your glory and that we need your mercy and grace. May we be forgiven and may we be given a fresh start. May we be able to leave our past mistakes behind and move forward with hope and confidence. Amen.

Prayer for Family and Friends

Dear God, we pray for our families and friends, that they may be blessed and protected in the new year. May we be able to come together in love and harmony, and may our relationships be strengthened and deepened. May we be able to support and encourage one another, and may we be a source of joy and comfort to those around us. Amen.

I hope these prayers inspire you to reflect on the past year and look forward to the new year with hope and anticipation.