2019 election news youtube

Here are some popular YouTube channels that provide news and analysis on the 2019 elections:

  1. PBS NewsHour: The PBS NewsHour is a trusted source of news and analysis on the 2019 elections. Their YouTube channel features live coverage, analysis, and interviews with experts and newsmakers.
  2. CNN: CNN is a leading source of election news and analysis. Their YouTube channel features live coverage, breaking news, and in-depth analysis of the 2019 elections.
  3. NBC News: NBC News is another major source of election news and analysis. Their YouTube channel features live coverage, breaking news, and in-depth analysis of the 2019 elections.
  4. The New York Times: The New York Times is a leading source of news and analysis on the 2019 elections. Their YouTube channel features live coverage, analysis, and interviews with experts and newsmakers.
  5. The Washington Post: The Washington Post is a leading source of news and analysis on the 2019 elections. Their YouTube channel features live coverage, analysis, and interviews with experts and newsmakers.
  6. Fox News: Fox News is a popular source of election news and analysis. Their YouTube channel features live coverage, breaking news, and in-depth analysis of the 2019 elections.
  7. MSNBC: MSNBC is a leading source of election news and analysis. Their YouTube channel features live coverage, breaking news, and in-depth analysis of the 2019 elections.
  8. The Hill: The Hill is a leading source of news and analysis on the 2019 elections. Their YouTube channel features live coverage, analysis, and interviews with experts and newsmakers.
  9. Politico: Politico is a leading source of news and analysis on the 2019 elections. Their YouTube channel features live coverage, analysis, and interviews with experts and newsmakers.
  10. Vox: Vox is a popular YouTube channel that provides in-depth analysis and explanation of the 2019 elections. Their videos are known for their engaging storytelling and clear explanations of complex issues.

Some popular individual YouTubers who provide election news and analysis include:

  1. Kyle Kulinski: Kyle Kulinski is a progressive YouTuber who provides in-depth analysis of the 2019 elections.
  2. Cenk Uygur: Cenk Uygur is the founder of The Young Turks, a popular progressive news and commentary channel.
  3. John Iadarola: John Iadarola is a progressive YouTuber who provides in-depth analysis of the 2019 elections.
  4. Jordan Chariton: Jordan Chariton is a progressive YouTuber who provides in-depth analysis of the 2019 elections.
  5. David Pakman: David Pakman is a progressive YouTuber who provides in-depth analysis of the 2019 elections.

These are just a few examples of the many YouTube channels and individual YouTubers who provide news and analysis on the 2019 elections.