2019 election news video

Here are some notable news videos related to the 2019 elections:

US Elections

  1. 2020 US Presidential Election: Trump vs. Biden (CNN) - A live debate between President Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden.
  2. 2020 US Senate Elections: Key Races to Watch (PBS NewsHour) - A look at the most competitive Senate races in the 2020 election.
  3. 2020 US House Elections: Democrats Seek to Expand Majority (AP News) - A report on the Democratic Party's efforts to expand their majority in the House of Representatives.

International Elections

  1. India's 2019 General Election: Modi's BJP Wins Big (Al Jazeera) - A report on the Indian general election, which saw the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) led by Narendra Modi win a majority of seats.
  2. UK's 2019 General Election: Boris Johnson's Conservatives Win Majority (BBC News) - A report on the UK general election, which saw the Conservative Party led by Boris Johnson win a majority of seats.
  3. Australia's 2019 Federal Election: Morrison's Coalition Wins (ABC News) - A report on the Australian federal election, which saw the Liberal Party led by Scott Morrison win a majority of seats.

Other Notable Elections

  1. Hong Kong's 2019 District Council Elections: Pro-Democracy Candidates Win Big (The New York Times) - A report on the Hong Kong district council elections, which saw pro-democracy candidates win a majority of seats.
  2. South Africa's 2019 National Elections: ANC Wins, But Support Erodes (Al Jazeera) - A report on the South African national elections, which saw the African National Congress (ANC) win a majority of seats, but with a reduced share of the vote.
  3. Brazil's 2019 Municipal Elections: Bolsonaro's Party Wins Big (The Guardian) - A report on the Brazilian municipal elections, which saw the party of President Jair Bolsonaro win a majority of mayoral races.

These are just a few examples of the many news videos related to the 2019 elections.