2019 election nasfat to hold special prayer towards ensuring peaceful and non violent polls

I think there may be a small mistake in your question. Nasfat is not a political party, but rather a Muslim organization. Therefore, it's unlikely that they would be holding an election.

However, I believe you may be referring to the Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (NSCIA), which is a umbrella body for Islamic organizations in Nigeria. In 2019, the NSCIA did issue a statement calling for special prayers to ensure peaceful and non-violent polls during the general elections in Nigeria.

The statement was made by the then-President-General of the NSCIA, Dr. Sa'ad Abubakar III, who urged Muslims to pray for the success of the elections and for the country to remain peaceful and stable. The prayers were to be held on the eve of the elections, which took place on February 16, 2019.

The statement was seen as a call to unity and peaceful coexistence among Nigerians, and was widely reported in the media.