2019 educational news

Here are some significant educational news stories from 2019:

  1. College Admissions Scandal: In March 2019, a massive college admissions scandal was uncovered, involving wealthy parents, including celebrities and business executives, who allegedly bribed college officials to secure admission for their children.
  2. New Education Secretary: In April 2019, Betsy DeVos resigned as US Secretary of Education, and was replaced by Mick Zais, a former governor of South Carolina.
  3. Teacher Strikes: In 2019, teachers in several states, including West Virginia, Oklahoma, and Arizona, went on strike to demand better pay, benefits, and working conditions.
  4. Online Learning Platforms: In 2019, online learning platforms like Coursera, edX, and Udemy continued to grow in popularity, offering affordable and flexible education options to students worldwide.
  5. AI in Education: Researchers made significant progress in using artificial intelligence (AI) to improve education, including developing AI-powered adaptive learning systems and chatbots to support student learning.
  6. STEM Education: In 2019, there was a growing focus on STEM education (science, technology, engineering, and math) to prepare students for the increasingly complex and technology-driven workforce.
  7. Mental Health in Schools: The importance of mental health in schools was highlighted in 2019, with many schools and educators working to create a more supportive and inclusive environment for students.
  8. College Affordability: The cost of higher education remained a significant concern in 2019, with many students and families struggling to afford tuition fees and student loans.
  9. Education Technology: EdTech companies continued to innovate and develop new products and services to improve education, including virtual and augmented reality tools, learning analytics, and personalized learning platforms.
  10. Global Education: In 2019, there was a growing focus on global education, including efforts to improve access to education in developing countries and promote cultural exchange programs.
  11. School Safety: School safety remained a top concern in 2019, with many schools and educators working to create safer and more secure environments for students.
  12. Teacher Shortages: Teacher shortages continued to be a problem in many countries, including the United States, with many schools struggling to find qualified and experienced teachers.
  13. Higher Education Reform: In 2019, there were efforts to reform higher education, including proposals to increase funding for community colleges and improve student outcomes.
  14. K-12 Education: There were significant developments in K-12 education in 2019, including the implementation of new curriculum standards and assessments, and efforts to improve teacher training and support.
  15. Education Policy: Education policy was a major focus in 2019, with many countries and states implementing new policies to improve education outcomes and address pressing issues like inequality and access.

These are just a few of the many significant educational news stories from 2019.