2019 afenifere aligns with ex president obasanjo to vote out buhari

I think there may be some inaccuracies in your statement.

Firstly, Afenifere is a Yoruba socio-political organization in Nigeria, and it is not possible for them to "align" with a former President, as they are a separate entity.

Secondly, Olusegun Obasanjo was the President of Nigeria from 1999 to 2007, and he has been a vocal critic of President Muhammadu Buhari's administration. However, there is no evidence to suggest that he and Afenifere aligned to vote out Buhari in 2019.

In fact, Afenifere has been a strong critic of Buhari's government, and has called for his resignation on several occasions. The organization has also been involved in various protests and campaigns against the government, particularly on issues such as insecurity, corruption, and economic mismanagement.

It's possible that you may be thinking of a different event or development, but to the best of my knowledge, there is no evidence to support the claim that Afenifere and Obasanjo aligned to vote out Buhari in 2019.