2018 remadan news

Here are some significant news stories from Ramadan 2018:

Global Events

  1. Ramadan Truce: The United Nations called for a global ceasefire during Ramadan, urging warring parties to observe a truce and allow civilians to celebrate the holy month safely.
  2. Ramadan in Jerusalem: For the first time in decades, Palestinians in Jerusalem were able to pray at the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound during Ramadan, following a deal between Israel and Jordan.
  3. Ramadan in Gaza: The Gaza Strip, which has been under Israeli blockade since 2007, saw a significant increase in food and medical aid during Ramadan, thanks to international efforts.

Regional Developments

  1. Ramadan in Iran: Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei called for unity and resistance against the United States and its allies, as tensions escalated between Iran and the US.
  2. Ramadan in Turkey: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan launched a campaign to promote Ramadan fasting and charity, and called for unity among Muslims.
  3. Ramadan in Pakistan: Pakistan saw a surge in terrorist attacks during Ramadan, with several suicide bombings and shootings targeting civilians and security forces.

Sports and Entertainment

  1. Ramadan League: The Indian Premier League (IPL) was postponed during Ramadan, allowing cricketers to observe the holy month.
  2. Ramadan TV Shows: Many popular TV shows, including Turkish dramas and Arabic soap operas, were delayed or aired special Ramadan episodes.
  3. Ramadan Music Festivals: Music festivals were held in several countries, including the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, and Morocco, to celebrate Ramadan.

Charity and Humanitarian Efforts

  1. Ramadan Charity Drives: Many organizations, including the United Nations, launched charity drives to support vulnerable communities during Ramadan.
  2. Food Banks: Food banks and soup kitchens were set up in many cities to provide meals to those in need during Ramadan.
  3. Medical Aid: Medical aid organizations provided emergency medical services and vaccinations to communities affected by conflicts and natural disasters during Ramadan.

These are just a few of the many news stories from Ramadan 2018. The holy month is a time of spiritual reflection, charity, and community, and it was marked by significant events and developments around the world.