2018 news on billboard advertising

Here are some news articles and trends related to billboard advertising from 2018:


  1. Digital Billboards on the Rise: According to a report by the Outdoor Advertising Association of America (OAAA), digital billboards accounted for 64% of all billboard advertising in 2018, up from 44% in 2015.
  2. Programmatic Buying: Programmatic buying, which allows for automated ad buying and targeting, became more prevalent in the billboard industry in 2018.
  3. Data-Driven Advertising: Billboards began to incorporate more data-driven targeting and measurement capabilities, allowing advertisers to better track the effectiveness of their campaigns.
  4. Increased Focus on Mobile: As mobile devices became increasingly important for consumers, billboards began to incorporate mobile-specific elements, such as QR codes and mobile-optimized creative.

News Articles:

  1. "Digital Billboards Continue to Grow in Popularity" (Adweek, January 2018)
    • The article highlights the growing popularity of digital billboards, citing a report by the OAAA that found digital billboards accounted for 64% of all billboard advertising in 2017.
  2. "Billboard Advertising Sees a Surge in Digital Spending" (The Drum, March 2018)
    • The article reports on a study by the OAAA that found digital spending on billboards increased by 14% in 2017, with digital billboards now accounting for 64% of all billboard advertising.
  3. "Programmatic Buying Comes to Billboard Advertising" (AdExchanger, June 2018)
    • The article explores the growing trend of programmatic buying in the billboard industry, citing the benefits of automated ad buying and targeting.
  4. "Billboards Get a Makeover with Data-Driven Advertising" (Marketing Dive, August 2018)
    • The article highlights the increasing use of data-driven advertising in the billboard industry, including the use of data analytics and targeting capabilities.
  5. "Mobile-First Billboard Campaigns on the Rise" (Mobile Marketer, October 2018)
    • The article reports on the growing trend of mobile-first billboard campaigns, including the use of QR codes and mobile-optimized creative.

Industry Developments:

  1. Clear Channel Outdoor Americas Acquires Spectacolor: Clear Channel Outdoor Americas, a leading outdoor advertising company, acquired Spectacolor, a provider of digital billboards and outdoor advertising solutions.
  2. Outfront Media Launches Programmatic Buying Platform: Outfront Media, a leading outdoor advertising company, launched a programmatic buying platform for its billboard inventory.
  3. Billboard Industry Sees Increased Focus on Sustainability: The billboard industry saw an increased focus on sustainability in 2018, with companies such as Clear Channel Outdoor Americas and Outfront Media announcing initiatives to reduce their environmental impact.