2018 new year's resolution template for datstar church members

Here's a New Year's resolution template specifically designed for Datstar Church members:

Datstar Church New Year's Resolution Template

Introduction: As we enter a new year, we're excited to see how God will work in our lives. This resolution template is designed to help you reflect on your goals, priorities, and commitments to God. Take some time to prayerfully consider what you want to focus on in the coming year, and use this template to help you make a plan.

Section 1: Reflection

Section 2: Goals

Section 3: Priorities

Section 4: Commitments

Section 5: Accountability

Conclusion: Take some time to review your answers and reflect on what you've written. Pray over your goals, priorities, and commitments, asking God to guide and direct you in the coming year. Remember that this is a process, and it's okay to adjust your goals and priorities as needed. May God bless you as you seek to follow Him in the coming year!

Additional Tips:

May God bless you as you seek to follow Him in the coming year!