2018 new year's resolution template for datstar church

Here's a New Year's Resolution template for Datstar Church:

New Year's Resolution Template for Datstar Church

Name: __

Date: January 1, 2018


Spiritual Growth:

  1. Prayer: I resolve to pray for at least 15 minutes each day, focusing on my relationship with God and seeking His guidance and wisdom.
  2. Bible Study: I resolve to read the Bible daily, completing a book of the Bible by the end of the year.
  3. Fasting: I resolve to fast one day a month, seeking spiritual renewal and deeper intimacy with God.

Personal Growth:

  1. Health: I resolve to exercise for at least 30 minutes, 3 times a week, and eat a balanced diet to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  2. Relationships: I resolve to schedule regular dates with my spouse/family/friends, prioritizing quality time and connection.
  3. Personal Development: I resolve to take an online course or attend a workshop to improve my skills and knowledge in a specific area.

Ministry and Service:

  1. Volunteering: I resolve to volunteer for at least 2 hours a month at Datstar Church or a local community organization.
  2. Giving: I resolve to give a certain amount of money each month to support the mission and ministry of Datstar Church.
  3. Leadership: I resolve to take on a leadership role in a small group or ministry team, using my gifts and talents to serve others.


Prayer Request:

Signature: __

Date: __

Remember to make your resolutions specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) so you can track your progress and stay motivated throughout the year.