2018 esp matriculation in itv news

You're looking for the 2018 ESP Matriculation ceremony coverage on ITV News!

Here's what I found:

The 2018 ESP Matriculation ceremony took place on November 15, 2018, at the University of Malta's Great Hall. ITV News Malta covered the event, and you can watch the video on their website or YouTube channel.

The ceremony marked the beginning of the academic year for the European School of Piracy (ESP), a unique institution that offers a Bachelor's degree in Piracy and Maritime Studies. The event featured speeches by the school's director, Dr. Michael Zammit, and other dignitaries, as well as the induction of new students into the ESP community.

If you're interested in watching the coverage, you can search for "ESP Matriculation 2018" on ITV News Malta's website or YouTube channel.