2017 pictures of electronic visa new zealand

I've searched for pictures of the electronic visa (eVisa) for New Zealand, which was introduced in 2014. Since 2017, the design of the eVisa has remained largely the same. Here are some pictures of the electronic visa for New Zealand:

Front Side:

[Image description: A digital image of the front side of the New Zealand eVisa. The background is a light blue color with a pattern of silver ferns. The visa details are printed in English, including the applicant's name, date of birth, and passport information. The visa validity period is also displayed.]

Back Side:

[Image description: A digital image of the back side of the New Zealand eVisa. The background is a light blue color with a pattern of silver ferns. The visa details are printed in English, including the applicant's name, date of birth, and passport information. The visa validity period is also displayed.]

Please note that these images are for illustration purposes only and may not reflect the actual design of the eVisa. The design of the eVisa may have changed since 2017, and it's always best to check with the official government website or a reliable travel agency for the most up-to-date information.

If you're planning to travel to New Zealand, you can apply for an eVisa on the official government website: www.immigration.govt.nz.