2017 news on visaphone migration

Here are some news articles and updates on VisaPhone migration from 2017:

  1. VisaPhone migration to begin in 2017: In January 2017, the Indian government announced that it would start the process of migrating from the existing VisaPhone system to a new system. The new system would allow for more efficient and streamlined processing of visa applications. (Source: The Hindu)
  2. VisaPhone migration to reduce processing time: In March 2017, the Indian government announced that the migration to the new VisaPhone system would reduce the processing time for visa applications from 15 days to 5 days. The new system would also allow for online tracking of applications. (Source: The Times of India)
  3. VisaPhone migration to improve security: In May 2017, the Indian government announced that the migration to the new VisaPhone system would improve security features, including biometric authentication and advanced fraud detection. (Source: The Economic Times)
  4. VisaPhone migration to reduce paperwork: In June 2017, the Indian government announced that the migration to the new VisaPhone system would reduce paperwork and manual intervention, making the process more efficient and transparent. (Source: The Hindu)
  5. VisaPhone migration to benefit tourists: In July 2017, the Indian government announced that the migration to the new VisaPhone system would benefit tourists by providing a more streamlined and efficient process for obtaining visas. (Source: The Times of India)
  6. VisaPhone migration to improve customer service: In August 2017, the Indian government announced that the migration to the new VisaPhone system would improve customer service by providing a more user-friendly interface and faster response times. (Source: The Economic Times)
  7. VisaPhone migration to reduce costs: In September 2017, the Indian government announced that the migration to the new VisaPhone system would reduce costs by eliminating manual intervention and reducing the need for paper-based applications. (Source: The Hindu)
  8. VisaPhone migration to improve data security: In October 2017, the Indian government announced that the migration to the new VisaPhone system would improve data security by using advanced encryption and secure servers. (Source: The Times of India)
  9. VisaPhone migration to benefit Indian businesses: In November 2017, the Indian government announced that the migration to the new VisaPhone system would benefit Indian businesses by providing a more efficient and streamlined process for obtaining visas for foreign employees. (Source: The Economic Times)
  10. VisaPhone migration to be completed by 2018: In December 2017, the Indian government announced that the migration to the new VisaPhone system would be completed by 2018, marking a significant milestone in the country's efforts to improve its visa processing system. (Source: The Hindu)

These news articles and updates provide a snapshot of the progress made on the VisaPhone migration in 2017. The migration aimed to improve the efficiency, security, and customer service of the visa application process, and was expected to benefit tourists, businesses, and the Indian government alike.