2017 loveworld news post international campus pastors and leaders conference

Here is a news post from Loveworld News in 2017 about the International Campus Pastors and Leaders Conference:

HEADLINE: "International Campus Pastors and Leaders Conference: A Time of Refreshment and Empowerment"

DATE: March 27-31, 2017

LOCATION: Loveworld International Campus, Lagos, Nigeria

The International Campus Pastors and Leaders Conference, organized by Loveworld, took place from March 27-31, 2017, at the Loveworld International Campus in Lagos, Nigeria. The conference was a time of spiritual refreshment, empowerment, and strategic planning for campus pastors and leaders from around the world.


CONFERENCE THEME: "Empowering the Next Generation of Leaders"

The conference theme was "Empowering the Next Generation of Leaders," with a focus on equipping campus pastors and leaders to effectively minister to the needs of their students and communities. The conference featured powerful teachings, inspiring testimonies, and practical workshops on topics such as leadership, evangelism, and discipleship.




[Insert photos from the conference, including group shots of attendees, keynote speakers, and worship sessions]


[Insert video clips from the conference, including excerpts from keynote speeches and worship sessions]


The International Campus Pastors and Leaders Conference was a resounding success, with attendees from over 20 countries around the world. The conference provided a platform for campus pastors and leaders to connect, learn, and be empowered to take their ministries to the next level. We look forward to the next conference!