2017 budget n1 58tn released for capital projects says fg #comments

It appears that the Federal Government of Nigeria has released a budget of N1.58 trillion for capital projects in 2017. This is a significant amount of money that will be used to fund various infrastructure development projects across the country.

The release of this budget is a positive step towards stimulating economic growth and development in Nigeria. Capital projects such as road construction, power generation and distribution, and other infrastructure development initiatives can help to create jobs, increase economic activity, and improve the overall standard of living for Nigerians.

It's also worth noting that the release of this budget is a sign of the government's commitment to implementing its economic recovery plan, which aims to stimulate economic growth and reduce poverty in the country.

However, it's also important to ensure that the funds are used efficiently and effectively, and that there is transparency and accountability in the implementation of these projects. This can be achieved through regular monitoring and evaluation of the projects, as well as ensuring that there are adequate checks and balances in place to prevent corruption and mismanagement of funds.

Overall, the release of this budget is a positive step towards promoting economic growth and development in Nigeria, and it's important that the government ensures that the funds are used effectively and efficiently to achieve these goals.