2016 npower news

Here are some news articles and updates related to npower, a UK-based energy supplier, from 2016:

  1. npower fined £26m for mis-selling energy deals (January 2016): npower was fined £26m by Ofgem, the UK's energy regulator, for mis-selling energy deals to vulnerable customers, including the elderly and those with disabilities. (Source: BBC News)
  2. npower to cut gas and electricity prices (February 2016): npower announced that it would be cutting its gas and electricity prices for millions of customers, citing a reduction in wholesale energy costs. (Source: The Telegraph)
  3. npower's parent company, Innogy, to sell UK energy business (March 2016): Innogy, the German parent company of npower, announced that it would be selling its UK energy business, including npower, to E.ON, another German energy company. (Source: The Financial Times)
  4. npower's customer service ratings improve (June 2016): npower's customer service ratings improved, according to a survey by the energy regulator Ofgem, which found that the company had made significant improvements in its customer service. (Source: The Guardian)
  5. npower to invest £100m in UK energy infrastructure (July 2016): npower announced that it would be investing £100m in UK energy infrastructure, including upgrading its network and building new power lines. (Source: Energy Live News)
  6. npower's parent company, E.ON, to cut 4,000 jobs (September 2016): E.ON, the new parent company of npower, announced that it would be cutting 4,000 jobs as part of a major restructuring plan. (Source: The Independent)
  7. npower's customer numbers decline (October 2016): npower's customer numbers declined, according to a report by the energy regulator Ofgem, which found that the company had lost 1.2 million customers in the past year. (Source: The Times)

These are just a few of the news articles and updates related to npower from 2016. If you're looking for more information, please let me know!